Wednesday, April 29, 2009

LEGAL APTITUDE (Some Questions Related, Know its Deleted but Just for Refernce)

[Questions from law entrance examinations conducted by Various Law schools and
law colleges are included]

1. K.G.Balakrishnan is the ……..Chief Justice of india?
(a) 35th
(b) 36th
(c) 37th
(d) 38th

2. The scientific study of law (Jurisprudence) first started among……
(a) Romans
(b) Greeks
(c) Euoropians
(d) Arabs

3. Who propounded the legal theory called “Utilitarian Individualism”?
(a) Austin
(b) Salmond
(c) Taylor
(d) Bentham

4. Who was the law member in the Council of Governer General of India?
(a) H.Spencer
(b) Maine
(c) Blackstone
(d) Macalay

5. According to Hindu legal theory the origin of law is……
(a) Sruthi
(b) Devine
(c) Dharma
(d) None

6. Who founded the Communist legal theory?
(a) Marx and Engels
(b) Maine
(c) Blackstone
(d) Austin

7. Private international law is also called…………..
(a) Civil law
(b) Conflict of laws
(c) Local laws
(d) Common law

8. The distinction between law and morals was made by
(a) Sruthi
(b) Mimamsa
(c) Smrithi
(d) None

10. Who propounded the theory “law and state are the same”?
(a) Kelsen
(b) Maine
(c) Blackstone
(d) Austin

11. Administration of Justice is devided in to ……parts
(a) 4
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 10

12. Apart from Jammu and Kashmir, which of the following States has a special protection,
notwithstanding anything contained in the Constitution in certain matters?
(a) Tripur
(b) Nagaland
(c) Mizoram
(d) None

14. How many theories of punishments are there in the administration of Justice?
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5

15. Bye-law making power granted to the executive by the Legislature is called-
(a) Delegated legislation
(b) Colourable Legislation
(c) Administrative legislation
(d) None

16. According to which of the following theory Crime is the result of a desese..?
(a) Reformative
(b) Deterrent
(c) Retributive
(d) Preventive

17. Which of the following gives the buyer right to reject goods, repudiate the contract and claim
(a) Warranty
(b) Guarantee
(c) Garnishee
(d) None

18. 35th Law Commission report recommended that children below…………...years of age at the
time of commission of offence shall not be sentenced to death
(a) 18
(b) 16
(c) 20
(d) 21

19. The word "due process of law" indicates-
(a) In course through courts
(b) By police action
(c) By the interference of the government
(d) Any of the above

20. A nominal sum given as a token, that the parties are eager about concluding the sale is called-
(a) Earnest money
(b) Advance
(c) Interest
(d) Solatium

21. The rule of evidence which forbids a person from denying the truth of some statement
Mcnaughten rule
(a) Estoppel
(b) Res judicata
(c) Mcnaughten rule
(d) Contradiction

22. “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” relates to …………….theory
(a) Reformative
(b) Deterrent
(c) Retributive
(d) Preventive

23. A doctor has .......... relationship with his patient-
(a) moral
(b) Customary
(c) Statutory
(d) fiduciary

24. Ossification test is done to determine-
(a) Age
(b) Sex
(c) Blood group
(d) Finger print

25. English Law is also known as
(a) Civil law
(b) Conflict of laws
(c) Local laws
(d) Common law

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